About Me

TET consists of 3 outrageous best friends [Tara, Elizabeth & Tasha]. Here we will post our daily encounters, quotes, and pics. Welcome to life as we know it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

League of Evil Ex's

Tet decided to meet at the local coffee shop. It was time to gossip, study for upcoming exams/mid terms & indulge in some fine coffee/tea. The local coffee shop is known to be quite the social hot spot in our city. Bottom line: you see & meet A LOT of people there.

This evening Elizabeth/Lizz had decided to jog on home after coffee for some exercise. Dressed in sweats with her hair lazily pulled back and ugly striped socks she stumbled upon noticing her best looking ex boyfriend everr. FIGURES! Of all the days to NOT get dressed up something like this was bound to happen.

In all of his hotness he sat inside the coffee shop, totally concentrated on the screen of his laptop. He was playing Starcraft II. OMFG so hot! His laptop is powerful enough to run the game without serious lag. All was going great until she learned that he plays Terran..pfft! Lizz only dates ZERGs. No wonder they didn't work.

After purchasing their beverages and watching him do his victory dance after winning a match, he snuck up behind Tet and let out a LOUD terrifying screech. Much like the noise that you would assume to hear from that of a velociraptor.


...these were the most memorable quotes.

Evil ex: "Wanna know a secret?"
Tet: "YES!"
Evil ex to Tara: "Okay, but you have to promise not to tell your brother."
Tara: "I won't."
Evil ex: "I don't believe you."
Tara: "I already know the secret. You're gay."

Evil ex: [grabs a hold of Tara's laptop and searches some random on Facebook]
Tara: "Who's *** *******?"
Evil ex: "The secret." [gets up and leaves booth]

Tara: "What the fook guys, this is going to bother me, who the fook is *** *******?"
Elizabeth: "He's no one. He's just the first person to pop up in his mini feed. There is no secret... just like there is no cake." [reference to the game Portal]

Elizabeth: "Ugh! I hate it when he plays his mind games."
Tara: "I want to know the secret!"
Elizabeth: "There is no secret. He's using his neuro scientist skills to feed on our reactions."
Tasha: "Neuro what?"
Elizabeth: "He goes to school to study neurology. He studies the brain. He's a brain scientist. He's a brain ninja."
Tara: "Ninjaaaaaaaaa..."
Tasha: "I hate getting brain ninja'd."

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